Professionals who work to support doctoral candidates, whether in managerial or academic roles, have key roles to play in embedding inclusive practice to support gender equity in universities.
Throughout Europe, universities recognise the importance of gender equity within their own institutions and society more widely. Commitments to equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are often made at an institutional level, so those of us who work to support doctoral candidates have an important role in bringing these commitments to life within postgraduate research. Putting these commitments into practice is essential to maximising the equity of experience and outcomes for women researchers, building the diversity of research teams within and beyond academia, and ultimately, contributing to better research outcomes.
Our experience of working to embed EDI within the doctoral candidate experience at the University of Nottingham, UK, has shown us a range of considerations and approaches which can contribute to making a positive impact for postgraduate researchers (PGRs) and promoting gender equity.
Advocacy in policy and practice
Whether staff or student, doctoral candidates can sometimes get lost somewhere in between. A key role we play as practitioners in the doctoral sector is as vocal advocates for the community we represent within our institutions. Asking, ‘what does this mean for postgraduate researchers?’ or pointing out where a new policy or process needs to consider the needs of doctoral candidates is key. Making sure our voices are heard in the right places provides a platform from which to advocate on issues of equity.
One example from our experience is how we approach part-time study for doctoral candidates. A lack of flexibility around modes of study is likely to have a greater impact on doctoral researchers who are women. For example, working to provide more flexibility than just accommodating part-time working hours (e.g. 0.5 full-time equivalent) is key to improving the experience of women returning to their doctoral studies after a period of caring leave.
Support from wellbeing staff who can offer knowledge and advice relevant to the postgraduate experience is also key for women researchers who are exploring their options when circumstances change. University support teams are often well versed in undergraduate processes and procedures, but they may be less confident around doctoral candidates, simply because they encounter lower numbers accessing their service.
At the University of Nottingham, we were able to utilise the expertise of specialist PGR welfare officers working with a UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funded programme and share their knowledge with wider support and wellbeing teams. This was enabled through their close involvement in the university’s Support and Wellbeing Network, where the PGR welfare officers regularly joined meetings to share advice on how to best direct doctoral candidates to the right support via the most suitable channels.
For example, fostering awareness around language - such as the difference between a personal tutor and a supervisor – is highly beneficial. Doing so has helped to promote increased knowledge for staff regarding processes for sick leave/parental leave and made sure that doctoral candidates feel understood and properly supported when accessing wellbeing support from their academic schools.
Providing this support can increase a sense of belonging, which is key to helping doctoral candidates feel able to thrive. The increase in school-based roles, such as the School Postgraduate Student Advisor (SPSA), also highlights the need for academic staff outside of a researcher’s supervisory team to be available to doctoral candidates for informed pastoral and wellbeing support.
Role models
Representation matters. As the saying goes, ‘you can’t be what you can’t see’.
Role models can help potential applicants from underrepresented groups to imagine themselves undertaking doctoral research. Things as simple as the images you use on your website or marketing materials can influence people’s feelings about whether doctoral study is for them. If you are putting together case studies about doctoral study, it’s important to think about whose stories you tell.
One action you can take is to provide direct access to role models via mentoring schemes. For example, an applicant mentoring programme targeting racially minoritised applicants to doctoral programmes at the University of Nottingham significantly increased the representation of Black candidates on one programme and saw particularly positive impacts for Black women. This programme also created valuable connections between doctoral candidates at different stages in their research, giving the opportunity for peer support.
Research supervisors have a key role to play in ensuring gender equity in doctoral study. They are decision makers, with access to opportunities and key sources of support and guidance throughout a doctorate. Supervisors of all genders can support gender equity by being mindful of their responsibilities as advocates, mentors and sponsors for all their doctoral candidates.
There are several actions supervisors can take to be effective advocates. For example, they can create psychologically safe working environments where everyone feels able to raise concerns and share their experiences. By being flexible around ways of working, they can support a diverse group of candidates to thrive.
Every doctoral candidate has intersecting identities, which include - but are not limited to - their gender identity. It is important to consider for which women each gender equity intervention makes a difference. By taking time to break down your data to consider intersections with ethnicity or disability for example, you will gain a deeper understanding of whether your initiatives are meeting the needs of all women in your doctoral community.
Ultimately, embedding gender equity within doctoral education is a collective responsibility shared between academic and professional services staff at universities, working in partnership with doctoral candidates themselves. Understanding the experiences of our doctoral candidates and working together to identify the initiatives that will make a difference is key to creating an equitable doctoral experience for all, and to increasing diversity across academia. This, as we know, is key to ensuring the best possible research outcomes.
Note: This article is based on Rachel Van Krimpen’s contribution to the 2025 EUA-CDE Thematic Workshop, on the theme of ‘Establishing and advancing equity, diversity and inclusion in doctoral education’ .
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