EUA Council for Doctoral Education

Vitae survey “Researcher development strategy, provision, and profession”

21 February 2022

Vitae has recently launched a survey targeting professionals active in the field of researcher development. The survey aims to gather systematic evidence and insights from within the community to build a comprehensive overview of the state of the art of researcher development.

It is anticipated that survey results will enable Vitae to enhance its support services to better respond to the needs of the researcher development community and ensure that the impact of researcher development is more widely recognised.

Given the comprehensive scope of the survey, the questionnaire will be relevant to a broad spectrum of professionals supporting the career development of researchers. These include research managers, careers advisors, professional trainers and coaches, as well as other categories of professionals active in the field.

The survey takes 15-20 minutes to complete and the deadline for submission of responses is 8 March 2022.

For more details about this initiative, please visit the dedicated survey webpage.

Specific questions can be addressed to Katie Wheat or Mathew Tata at

Vitae is a UK non-profit programme specialised in supporting the professional development of researchers. It assists institutions from different sectors to improve their provision with regard to researchers’ skills and competencies.