As part of the UNITA Alliance, the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour has announced a call for applications for 14 doctoral grants that will be funded for a 3-years period, starting in autumn 2024.
The CHORAL programme (Cultural Heritage Outreach in RomAnce Languages) aims to train high-quality international researchers and to encourage the development of interdisciplinary, international and inter-sectoral research that addresses any aspect of cultural heritage.
The deadline to submit an application is 22 March 2024.
Selected candidates will be enrolled in doctoral programmes under joint supervision and will benefit from dedicated events and a tailored doctoral training programme. This Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska Curie programme welcomes applications on 25 research topics in the 7 universities of the UNITA Alliance.
To learn more about eligibility criteria and application requirements, please consult this page.
For more details, please contact the CHORAL support office at